Is your atmosphere feeling a little too dry? Using an oil diffuser is one way to instantly freshen things up, adding some moisture to the air while circulating the scent of your choice softly throughout your space.
Ultrasonic oil diffusers are the most popular and widely available type of diffusers, only needing a small amount of distilled water and a few drops of essential oil to operate. When switched on, a small disc located at the base of the device vibrates at an incredibly fast speed, disrupting the water held inside and breaking apart the water and oil molecules so that they turn to vapor. The mist is then channeled out of the device in a mesmerizing, billowing plume.
Why Use a Diffuser?
Since most essential oil diffusers are equipped with built-in timers, you can run them any time of day without having to monitor them like you would with a lit candle. Diffusing oils in the morning that help to open the lungs and promote deep breathing to energize the brain and body is a great way to start your day.
Recommends citrus scents and fresh spruce as being the best for morning aromatherapy. Conversely, bedtime diffusing is an enjoyable, restful ritual all on its own. Put the aroma diffuser on an hour before you think you’re going to sleep to help pre-scent your bedroom before resting.
These devices are a fantastic alternative to air fresheners and scented candles because they don’t disperse potentially harmful, unknown chemicals into the air, and the ultrasonic operation doesn’t pose a significant fire-hazard risk. Just make sure that you’re only using pure, naturally derived essential oils with your diffuser to prevent headaches and other health risks! Finally, remember to thoroughly clean your oil diffuser after every use. We’ve found that letting the device run with water and a capful of white vinegar helps to break up any stubborn oil residue so that you can rinse it clean afterward.
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